Photo 1 links with ‘The alpha female’: because you can tell through this photo that her main focus is her career. She looks like she spends most of her time doing her work and she has a soft motherly, wife and lover type look with her and she looks very dedicated and committed to her work.
Photo 2 links with ‘The beauty bunny’: because she looks very glamorous and she is advertising a beauty product. She looks like she would buy all the latest beauty products and L’Oreal’ because I’m worth it’ is defiantly her catchphrase.
Photo 3 links with ‘The fashionista: because she defiantly looks glamorous and she looks like she gets all the latest clothes and takes pride in what she wears. Also because she looks high fashion i would be able to tell that she would be too interested in what she wore to care about anything else (no intelligence, personality etc..)
Photo 4 links with ‘The perfect mum’: because she’s got her son pushing her and she looks like she puts her children in front of herself, she also doesn’t look sexy or ambitious.
Photo 5 links with ‘The granny’: because she looks intelligent like she’s very experienced with everything and she looks calm and proud.
Wow: Lauraine, this is well written and clearly demonstrates your understanding of how each image represents a specific stereotype.